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Announcing New Funding Opportunities
Evolving our Grantmaking Practices to Enhance Effectiveness and Ensure a More Equitable Process for our Central Texas Community
Earlier this year, we announced our new strategic plan, Pathways to Health Equity, that will guide and inform our work through 2030. Importantly, and at its core, the new plan reflects our evolving understanding of health and reinforces our commitment to creating sustainable change to advance health equity. As part of the plan, we will explore new ways of working by shifting our approach and culture, including our grantmaking practices, to ensure that our investments are impactful and partnerships are community-focused and equity-driven.
Over the past few months, we’ve connected with grantees and community partners and received positive feedback and excitement about the direction the Foundation is headed. We have been clear about our intention to use 2024 to test new ways of working and grantmaking to advance the goals outlined in our strategic plan.
While historically the Foundation has operated using an invitation-only grantmaking process, we will be shifting to broaden our ways of working to allow for open funding opportunities with a goal of ensuring greater outcomes and a more equitable application process for all eligible organizations in Central Texas.
We are excited to announce, in the coming weeks, two new funding opportunities and information on how to apply. These new funding opportunities will provide one-time, unrestricted grants to eligible organizations, including current and previous grantees as well as potential new partners who have never received funding from St. David’s Foundation.
Importantly, the focus and goals of these funding opportunities have been informed by conversations with you – our community and grant partners – on the current needs and areas of opportunity for our region as we work to advance health equity across Central Texas. Below is a sneak preview of our first two funding opportunities that open on May 29th with applications due by August 9th for eligible organizations.
- Community Driven Change – This open call will seek to equip communities to achieve their health priorities by elevating organizations engaging community members in decision making and leadership to foster healthier communities in Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties. Community-led, community-focused organizations with demonstrated impact are encouraged to apply.
- We All Benefit – This open call will seek to increase access to quality, responsive care by supporting organizations or collaboratives that are currently enrolling eligible Central Texans in health insurance benefits (e.g. Medicaid, CHIP, ACA) and/or otherwise supporting individuals, the community, or organizations in the eligibility determination and enrollment process through outreach, education, or training.
After the funding opportunities open on May 29th, I encourage you to visit our website for details, eligibility criteria, decision-making rubrics, FAQs, and application information.
As we begin to live into and embrace our new strategic plan, my grantmaking team and I are excited about the ways in which we can more intentionally engage with partners – new as well as established – and expand our connections across Central Texas to advance health equity. We know that in order to equip communities to achieve their health priorities, we must evolve our grantmaking and engagement practices to further deepen our working relationship with the community.
We know we cannot address our region’s health needs alone, and we are eager to partner with and learn from all who share a commitment to a stronger, more equitable Central Texas. I look forward to the journey ahead and welcome your reflections.

Regan Gruber Moffitt