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Introducing a new tool to better understand health inequities throughout Central Texas
The Foundation is launching a new interactive report that explores the drivers of overall health by zip code in Central Texas and presents what we are learning from the communities with the greatest health needs.

As an organization, St. David’s Foundation has placed health equity at the center of our work. Since our inception in 1996, we have seen rapid growth and change in the Central Texas population. However, as the population grows, health outcomes for underserved and marginalized Central Texans continue to suffer the effects of inequitable healthcare, housing, educational systems, and policies. In our strategic plan, Pathways to Health Equity, we focus on addressing the needs of the communities facing the greatest health challenges.
Identifying Communities with the Greatest Health Needs
The Foundation’s Learning & Evaluation team has developed the Central Texas Health Equity Overview to help us better answer the question “Where are the communities with the greatest health needs?” and, in turn, help direct strategies for investments and programs while monitoring our impact in the community.
This map shows the 87 zip codes in Central Texas, color-coded by a composite score called the Health Equity Index, with the lightest color representing the healthiest communities and the darkest color representing zip codes with the greatest health needs—what we call health equity zones.
The Health Equity Index is calculated using seven measures of socioeconomic indicators that are correlated with negative community health outcomes. The indicators are reflective of the non-medical drivers of health (i.e. the conditions in which people are born, work, and live), illustrating how structural barriers and other obstacles can result in health inequities.
How do social factors impact health in Central Texas?
The second page of the report further explores these non-medical drivers of health, with particular attention to how they contribute to health inequities in our region. This page contains some of the data, looking beyond geography, that we use to help us answer the question: “Where are the communities with the greatest health needs?”
What are we hearing from the community?
We believe that lived expertise is a valuable source of data that has often been overlooked and undervalued in public health research. Therefore, this report also includes stories from community members, which we will integrate into the data as we further the goals outlined within our strategic plan.
To begin, we have identified themes that shed light on the health needs in Central Texas from various projects, including our Community Voices Project, that will launch early this year. These themes and quotes reflect the community’s challenges and visions for change. Over time, we anticipate the Health Equity Overview to evolve as we continue to listen to and learn from community members in areas with the greatest health needs.
We invite you to explore the Central Texas Health Equity Overview alongside us. This report will serve as an important tool for the Foundation to enhance our understanding of the communities we serve, help drive strategic decision-making on how we deploy our resources, and inform the programs we provide throughout Central Texas. Our belief is that this data will offer a perspective of where systems and conditions are failing to meet the health needs of residents and can be leveraged as a tool for greater collaboration and community-driven change.