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Sustainability for Central Texas

Exploring indicators of sustainability across domains


While Austin, Texas is praised as one of the best places to live, the data shows that there are growing inequities deepening the economic divide between the rich and the poor.

The Issue:

Austin has seen unprecedented growth over the past decade. When looking at data for the Austin population, it appears that the number of families living in poverty is dropping. However, we see increasing poverty rates in the surrounding communities due to the displacement of low-income families as the cost of living increases in Austin. Inequities persist between racial/ethnic groups, revealing the historic and systemic roots of the disparities.

Summary of Key Findings:

The Austin Sustainability Indicators report shares indicators in the following domains: demographics, civic engagement, economy, education and children, environment, health, land use and mobility, and public safety. The 2019 report includes a section focused on social equity and explores gentrification, neighborhood cohesion, toxic release, and more.

Figure 1: Barriers to health care by race and ethnicity
Respondents answered the question “I did not get medical care when I needed it because…”

The University of Texas At Austin RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service

Meet our Contributors


Jesse Simmons, MS

Senior Evaluation Officer