Lifting Up Central Texas Today and Tomorrow
The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically impacted the world in which we live and the Central Texas community we call home.
In response to the current crisis and unprecedented circumstances caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, St. David’s Foundation launched a $10 million COVID-19 Recovery Fund to support nonprofits and public entities during this challenging and uncertain time. Distributed across two phases, the Fund provided grants to support both immediate and intermediate needs of nonprofits and public entities working on the front lines to provide assistance and resources to those impacted by COVID-19 in some of Central Texas’ most vulnerable communities.
Beyond the immediate needs facing our community, we believe this public health crisis has created an extraordinary moment to call for greater and more equal health justice within our Central Texas community. St. David’s Foundation is committed to partnering with our neighbors throughout this time.
Across all of the Foundation’s goals and principles, we are guided by a commitment to achieve health equity. This requires the prioritization of available assets to those most in need in order to help remove barriers and provide relief where vital resources may be lacking. We remain committed to listening, learning and adapting our ways of working based on the ever-evolving needs of the community. We extend our sincerest thanks to those working on the front lines to serve our communities and provide emergency assistance and critical resources. Together, we stand strong as a community as we lift up Central Texas today and tomorrow and look ahead toward recovery and rebuilding.
Collaborative Funds
St. David’s Foundation pledged $250,000 to the All Together ATX fund, a philanthropic partnership between Austin Community Foundation and United Way for Greater Austin to aid in the relief and recovery of those working on the front lines of the pandemic.
This community-led philanthropic fund will provide flexible resources to nonprofit organizations working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and the economic consequences of the outbreak.
Additionally, the Foundation pledged $50,000 to the Hispanic Impact Fund to support COVID-19 recovery efforts.
Supporting our Partners
Important Dates
Grant Recipients
Since launching the St. David’s Foundation COVID-19 Recovery Fund in April 2020, the Foundation received more than 550 applications for Phase I and II, demonstrating the significant and growing need within our region. In working alongside our community, equity guided our funding decisions ensuring that organizations receiving funding were reflective of the diversity found in the applicant pool and in our Central Texas region – specifically communities most severely and disproportionately impacted by pandemic.
Below, we invite you to learn more about the breakdown of organizations as part of the $3.5 million awarded in Phase I and nearly $6.5 million awarded as part of Phase II of the Recovery Fund.
Phase I
Phase I prioritized immediate needs for those most impacted by COVID-19 including access to basic needs (e.g. food access, rent/financial assistance), healthcare (e.g. dental, mental and primary care) and factors which contribute to the social determinants of health (e.g. education and transportation). Of the 77 organizations receiving Phase I grants, 66% represented new relationships for the Foundation and reflected our commitment to raise up nonprofits that are often overlooked, such as smaller grassroots organizations and those in rural communities. Further, 29% of all applications received were from organizations led by people of color, and, among the final cohort of grant recipients, this increased to 36%. The selection process ensured that our funding would benefit and support the communities most severely and disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
Grant Recipients

Phase II
Phase II prioritized four funding categories including: behavioral health and emotional well-being, basic needs, childcare and access to health care services. Of the 116 organizations receiving Phase II grants, 59% represented, new relationships for the Foundation while 41% of funding supported behavioral health and emotional well-being, including: individual counseling, peer support, community outreach, parent education, youth development and community healing. Funding was prioritized for populations who are inequitably bearing the brunt of this crisis, including people of color; people living with disabilities; people experiencing homelessness; refugees; immigrants; and LGBTQ communities. 82% of grant recipients specifically addressed the needs of at least one of these marginalized populations. Phase II funding also reflected a significant increase in grants for organizations led by (46%) or supporting (70%) people of color, compared to 36% and 31%, respectively, in Phase I.
Grant Recipients