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Pathways to Economic Stability for Healthcare Workforce

Building pathways to financially sustainable careers in the healthcare workforce

Open Call Funding Opportunity

Advancing health equity in Central Texas requires a thriving, diverse, and locally rooted healthcare workforce capable of addressing both individual and systemic barriers to health in the region. A strong healthcare workforce pipeline not only supports better health outcomes but also creates pathways to stable employment and economic stability for Central Texans seeking careers in the state’s largest industry.

The pathways to economically stable healthcare careers for Central Texans require training, education, and connections to opportunities for employment and clinical placements generated by and aligned with the healthcare training and workforce solution ecosystem. Wraparound supports (e.g., childcare, transportation, housing, case management) are crucial and necessary at various stages to sustain individuals on their pathway toward economic stability.

The Pathways to Economic Stability for the Healthcare Workforce open call is focused on increasing opportunities for Central Texans – particularly those from historically marginalized communities – to enter financially sustainable healthcare careers by building the capacity of collaborative, region-wide pathways to securing employment that lead to self-sufficient wages. Our goal is to help Central Texans struggling to make ends meet find meaningful work in high-demand healthcare careers, enabling them to earn a wage that supports both themselves and their families.

We invite innovative and effective organizations and collaboratives dedicated to improving the economic stability of the healthcare workforce to apply for this funding opportunity. We are especially interested in initiatives that foster region-wide and ongoing collaboration and create career mobility, leading to economic stability for healthcare workers in Central Texas. Organizations with a compelling, feasible, and sustainable approach, backed by relevant experience, are encouraged to submit proposals. We welcome bold, impactful solutions, whether the initiative already exists or if it is a new vision designed to improve economic stability for the healthcare workforce.

An organization can apply individually or on behalf of a collaborative. Organizations will be asked to submit requested grant amounts to support the work included in the application, which will be considered relative to the effort, potential for long-term impact, and the organization’s annual operating budget.



  • Located and operating in one or more of the following Central Texas counties: Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, or Williamson.
  • A tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, a public or government entity (county, municipality, health department, university, school), or using a fiscal sponsor that is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Serving historically marginalized high school youth and/or adults in Central Texas
  • Creating collaborative and/or regional pathways for the above communities to enter high demand, financially sustainable healthcare careers, which means wages at or above Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, or ALICE.

 Note: Organizations with existing St. David’s Foundation grant funding may apply. 


Grant Award Overview

The Foundation expects to award up to a total of $10M for this open call. Grant announcements will be made in June 2025.

Each awardee will receive a flexible, one-time, 24-month grant. Grant recipients will have discretion on how the funds are spent as they carry out the grant purpose. Award size will be based on the scale and sustainability of the proposed project, the organization’s potential for long-term impact, and the organization’s annual budget.


How to Apply

The Pathways to Economic Stability for the Healthcare Workforce open call will open on March 26, 2025, using a rolling Letter of Intent (LOI) process. The LOI will be a short eligibility screen on the criteria above and high-level summary of the applicant’s project, which will be reviewed by Foundation staff on a rolling basis. LOIs will not be accepted after May 1, 2025, at 5:00 pm Central Time. Proposals that strongly align with the intent of the funding opportunity will be invited to submit a full application after receipt of the LOI. The invited applications will be due by May 13, 2025 at 5:00 pm Central Time.

Organizations are encouraged to submit their LOI as early as possible to allow more time if invited to submit a full application. All letters of intent must be submitted through the online Grants Portal. Paper copies and emailed submissions will not be accepted.


Contact Information

For programmatic questions, please email [email protected].

For technical questions, please email [email protected].

Important Dates

Open Date: March 26, 2025
Last Day to Submit Letter of Intent: May 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 13, 2025