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Central Texas Home Visiting Grant Program

A Good Start is a Healthy Start

Expanding home visiting capacity is a component of the Foundation’s broader strategy to ensure that all Central Texas children get the best possible start in life to achieve their full potential. The Foundation believes home visiting is a valuable tool in this strategy, influencing three interrelated goals fundamental to achieving positive outcomes for children and families: reducing sources of stress, strengthening core life skills, and supporting responsive relationships. Improving these interrelated factors sets the stage for improvements in: maternal, prenatal, infant and child health; child development; parenting practices; school readiness; coordination of community resources for families with young children; and reduced rates of child maltreatment.

This RFP defines home visiting programs as those that seek to improve the well-being of young children (prenatal to age five) and their families, by using the home as the primary mechanism to provide direct support and coordination of services. While services can be received elsewhere, the home is the primary service delivery setting.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to identify organizations able to expand capacity of home visiting programs in Central Texas that are part of a coordinated, integrated system of local early childhood services.

Projects eligible for funding under this RFP fall into the following categories:

  • Planning grants, for sites exploring the launch of new home visiting programs. Planning grants will be one-time funding, for a 6-month period. Receipt of a planning grant does not guarantee additional implementation funding. Maximum award per applicant is $75,000.
  • Implementation grants, for the launch of new models or expansion of existing models. Funding will be for 12 months, followed by two one-year renewals, prior to any re-procurement. Maximum annual award per applicant is $500,000.

Important Dates

RFP Issue Date: April 5, 2019
RFP Response Date: June 21, 2019 05:00 PM

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Key Dates

Timeline and Important Dates



RFP Issue Date



RFP Information Session



RFP Response Date



Notice of Decision

Additional Information

Eligibility Criteria
Selection Criteria
How to Apply