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Community Driven Change
Equipping Communities to Achieve Their Health Priorities
In May 2024, St. David’s Foundation launched the Community Driven Change funding opportunity, focused on elevating organizations engaging community members in decision making and leadership to foster healthier communities in Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties. This open call was centered on the Foundation’s belief that addressing social and environmental conditions for generational change in historically marginalized communities requires those closest to the issues to help create and implement solutions.
A total of 23 grants totaling $9.1M were awarded to organizations actively listening to community and using those insights to effectively support individuals and families to achieve improvement in their health and wellness. We invite you to explore this page and learn more about the grant recipients.
Funding Opportunity Overview
Our region is growing and health outcomes for historically marginalized Central Texans continue to suffer because of inequitable conditions. These ongoing health disparities cannot be addressed by only filling the healthcare gaps. St. David’s Foundation believes that addressing social and environmental conditions for generational change in historically marginalized communities requires work to mobilize those closest to the problem, and we are committed to equipping communities to achieve their health priorities.
We believe a healthy community includes access to quality healthcare and health services, stable and affordable housing, pathways to healthcare employment, navigation and coordination of related services, and social networks. We also recognize capacity building, data collection, and communication to amplify voices of communities as important elements of this work to center and engage community in decision making and leadership.
The Community Driven Change open call was focused on elevating organizations engaging community members in decision making and leadership to foster healthier communities in our Central Texas region of Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties. The one-time grants awarded as part of this open call will support the community to achieve their health priorities. Grant recipients received an unrestricted, one-time grant.
View an informational webinar recording for Community Driven Change here.
Eligibility Criteria
- Located and operating in Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, or Williamson counties.
- Classified as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Annual operating budget of at least $250,000.
- Evidence of work engaging community members in decision making and leadership to foster healthier communities
Grant Recipients
23 grants totaling $9.1M in funding were awarded as part of the Community Driven Change funding opportunity
- 212 Catalysts – $250,000
- African American Youth Harvest Foundation – $500,000
- Austin Area Urban League – $500,000
- Austin Clubhouse – $500,000
- Austin Interfaith Sponsoring Committee – $500,000
- Austin Pathways – $500,000
- Austin Voices for Education and Youth – $250,000
- AVANCE-Austin – $500,000
- Bastrop County Cares – $500,000
- Black Mamas ATX – $60,000
- Black Mamas Village – $250,000
- Breakthrough Central Texas – $300,000
- Building Promise USA – $250,000
- DAWA – Diversity Awareness and Wellness in Action – $250,000
- Girls Empowerment Network – $500,000
- Go Austin Vamos Austin – $500,000
- JUST Community – $500,000
- Mano Amiga – $500,000
- Partners in Parenting – $500,000
- PromoSalud – $250,000
- Pueblo Organizado En Defensa De La Tierra Y Sus Recursos (PODER) – $250,000
- Todos Juntos Learning Center – $500,000
- LifeWorks – $500,000
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Data Snapshots
Organizations receiving a grant for the first time
Definition: New (receiving a grant for the first time). Existing (received a grant within the award year). Past (previously funded).
- 17% New
- 52% Existing
- 31% Past
Organizations led by People of Color (POC)
Definition: More than 50% of the combined count of executive staff and board members are People of Color (defined as non-White).
- 91% Majority POC-led
- 9% Not Majority POC-led
Organizations by County Served
Definition: Primary county of focus as self-reported by the organization.
- 4% Bastrop
- 0% Caldwel
- 4% Hays
- 78% Travis
- 0% Williamson
- 13% Not County Specific/Multi-County